Bienvenidos al parke

ºNo espero que disfruten lo que lean, pero si es asi, ke chido; dejen sus coments, explayense, que al cabo kien se entera jajaja. Por aqui pinto mis escritos, reflexiones, monologos, tonterias (mas que nada) historias inconclusas y demas cosas que se me ocurren. Algunas en ingles, porque suenan mas chido, otras en español, porque es mas chido ke el ingles jajaja. Total, muy mi blog no? comenten palomilla!!

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2008

PARADOX! - Reloaded

Ke ondita mis keridos lectores. Los he traido a kienes les intereso saber la paradoja suprema: la paradoja ke humanamente prueba la imposibilidad de la existencia de un Dios. Me encanta! Tal como lo mencione en el post ke publike en el Hornito, hela aki, la Duodecima Paradoja Suprema:

Paradoja 12: Paradoja del Todopoderoso

Los que hayan leído el último libro de A. Paenza, habrán advertido una sección muy particular con “paradojas”. Una de estas demostraba que no podía existir un ser todopoderoso (DIOS). Lo mejor para el final. Esta, en medio de todas las paradojas habidas y por haber es mi favorita de todos los tiempos.

La demostración, más que simple (y por eso es ke me enkanta), afirma que si es todopoderoso (es decir que no le falta ningún poder) entonces tiene que tener el poder de crear una piedra que él no pueda mover, pero esto significaría que le falta el poder de mover esa roca, lo que lleva a un absurdo, una paradoja, una irrevocable y ciclica contradiccion inecuanime y enknatadoramente ESTUPENDA. Voila! Me enkanta, Finis!!

He dicho. Soy Batman!

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008


Cuando amas a alguien
y no tienes ojos para otra,
y tu olfato no percibe otro aroma más sutil que el suyo,
y tus oidos no se deleitan con otra voz mas que con la de ella,
y tus labios no se derriten por besar los de alguien que no sea ella,
y los poros de tu piel no se dilatan al contacto de otra piel, mas que la suya,
y tus manos no tiemblan y se enloquecen, sino cuando la tocas a ella,
y tus sentidos parecen despertar solo en su precensia...
entonces, es amor...

Para ti Lilly... Agosto 2008

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

That Love Story...

- If there is nothing I can do about it, and if there is no way to make you change your mind…-

And while saying this, he was looking onto her eyes, and saw no doubt of her choice, so he ended his words – like it appears not to be any chance, I just want you to do something, I need you to do it. I want you to get a little closer…

Her face got rude and turned out with confusion, and took a cold expression – Trust in me; you know I won’t do anything…

And suddenly she remembered back the first time he told her that phrase…a few years back, the first kiss of them. It was a sunny day of fall, watching the sunset at the park; he suddenly turned back in front of her, getting so close that they could’ve felt each other’s breath. And she felt nervous, and his body got rigid like a table, and her face was so tense that he noticed this, and it was then when, in a shy whisper he said to her “don’t be afraid, you can trust me, I won’t do anything…” and she was embarrassed because of that situation, and told him back “I’m not afraid of what you might do, but may because I may want you to do something…” and their faces were getting closer slowly, closer until the point of the fusion of their lips…

In was in that moment, with the sun falling back in the sea, that they kissed for the very first time, it was then, in that place, in that very moment, that these love of them birth, a few years back…

- Come on, trust me, and come closer…Look into my eyes, look into my eyes and tell me it ain’t worth. Tell me our love is over, and it ain’t worth fighting for.

- And then what? – She asked, - Are you going to tell me that is not what you feel, and beg me to think about it, like you always do?

He stayed in silence for a moment, thinking back of those moments, when he begged, when she also did, and the moment after that, when they just kissed and hugged, and left the last instant in the past, just like it never happened.

- No – he said at last – this time there will be no begs, this time nor you nor me will do it. This time is different…this time will be different – he said with emphasis.

- This time I want you to tell me it is over, and then I will leave. Leave it right there, leave you, and leave our love. I will let you live with out me once and for all, but tell me that’s what you really want. Look into my eyes and tell me so. And I will leave, that’s a promise.

Tell me you don’t love me any more, but do it while staring at me and you will never know of me again.

And a deadly silence fell between them. Until the time he spoke to her again.

- If there is nothing we can do, if there is nothing I can do, please help me. Help me to leave. Tell me you don’t love me and break my heart so hard that I might want to go away from you. If there is no love within your self for me, tell me.

By hearing this, she slowly turned his face down to the floor. So he took her face up with a hand, and asked her to tell him what he needed to hear.

- I need you to tell me if that’s what you feel now. I need your help. Help me to forget what you are, what I am with you. Help me to throw away this love, help me to let you go…help me. I can’t let you go just like this, help me. Break my heart at once; instead breaking it into little shards, every little time, do it now, do it with a single hit. Avoid my agony.

I need to see your lips moving and hear them saying that. And I will leave for ever…

She wanted to cry, her eyes broke like falling crystals, but not a tear was out of her eyes. She took a deep breath, and looked back to his eyes, those eyes she loved so much…even at that very moment.

And finally, she said what he was preying not to hear…

- I don’t love you…like I used to do, sorry.

But what he didn’t realized was the two little details that were making the difference…she never said she didn’t love him anymore, and he didn’t saw either that she closed her eyes by the moment she was talking. But the pain was so hard that he couldn’t see these little things. Those words just made a deadly wound, a deep wound that will never heal, not even through the years.

- I hope you never regret this… - he said in a whisper, with a weak, broken voice because of the pain his heart was holding by that moment.

- I won’t! – She shot, before even he closed his mouth.

- Good – claimed he – good, because from this very moment…it will be too late, and there’s no way back…I decided it to be this way. Turn back I will not, even when my self breaks and falls into pieces, I won’t turn back….

A that deadly silence fell between them once more, and it seemed that even the sun was suffering with him, as a rare and cold darkness appeared to steal the light of his eyes…until the bright of a single tear fell from his face.

- This…this is not the last tear I’ll share in your name, but will be the last you will ever see in your life. Now, good bye my love, good bye. Until never again…

And with a slight turn, he gave the back to her love, and with more pain in every step, he walked away, crossed the wide crystal door, and disappeared to her sight.

As promised, he didn't turned to see her dropping to her knees, drowning into a sea of tears. And through the tears in her eyes and the crystal door, she saw her love fade away...

So, if I were a movie writer this would totally be part of a super-wet-tissue-drama movie. What should be the end? Shall it be an endless story? Interesting...